Saturday, November 20, 2010



Way back when I wrote that song.
everything was perfect, and nothing was wrong.
You would hold me, I would hold you.
Now those days are gone forever.
it's like you and me don't know eachother.
and something is just feeling wrong.
I was there the day you said you'd be there forever,
and I told you the same thing back, and I meant it.

You could be an actor in a dramatic movie.
You would be the casanova that picks em up and leaves.
You seem to be good at that with every guy you're with.
You seem like the type of guy that'd just be friends with me.

I can't go back but I Want to go back.
I wan't to go back in time, and rewind everything..
then play it back again and change everything..
Like it never happen, Like we were just fine.
But that's not possible, after all that's happen now. .

All I want is friendship, but that'd be too weird for you.
I'd have no problem with it, but like the way I know you do.
You just left my life, like the leaves on trees fall off.
I just want you in my life, is that so much to ask!?
'cause I miss you. I miss everything you are.
and I'd kiss you, out in that open bar.

This is not fair to any one.
When you say something, you better stick with it.
'cause I did mean it when I said I'd still be there.
Now you don't want me anywhere close to you..well fine.

August 24th 2010

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